We provide advanced swallow imaging to patients in skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation hospitals and home-health settings. FEES was first introduced by Dr. Susan Langmore in 1988 and
To perform the study, we bring our portable FEES equipment directly to your patient’s
We then provide recommendations based on the patient’s anatomy and pathophysiology of swallowing function on the SAME DAY of the study. All of this for approximately one-fourth of the cost of
FEES is a GOLD STANDARD in assessment and management of swallowing disorders. Current research proves that FEES and MBSS have a 97-100% inter-rater reliability, and did you know FEES is higher in specificity in identifying penetration, aspiration, residue
Contact us today to schedule a complimentary demonstration or to inquire about our pricing agreement. We’d love to hear from you!
251.216.6300 or